Friday, December 18, 2009

Chippewa Falls, a home to new music

Recently noticed lots of new names popping up in Chippewa falls and Eau Claire. These two have caught my attention so far:
A new Country band "Old Fashioneds" complete with a pedal Steel and home-style percussion and a fresh feel to vocals performs their debut gig at the Haymarket Grill, Downtown Eau Claire, January 14th. Well worth a listen, these musicians put their all into every show, you'll get your ears full.
Also catching my ear is the duo "Long-Shot Gamblers" Featuring rough-cut lyrics combined with strong-engaging vocals, and a driving drum beat as well as heartfelt tunes that take you back to when music was for listening to. between originals and specifically chosen covers, it's an engaging show. Performing for the Town Pump annual Christmas Party December 19th.

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